Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time for an evening gown

Charlotte is wearing an evening gown of Nile green silk. Don't you just love the sound the that color? Nile green.... brings to mind pyramids, and sand dunes.  It is surely the right color for our Charlotte.
  The skirt has 2 ruffles of Nile green lace {and don't think that was easy finding a matching lace for that silk fabric.} The highest ruffle is topped with a Nile green silky braid trim. {Another special find.} The bodice has short puffy sleeves that are trimmed with the same trim as the top ruffle. The neckline of the bodice has been trimmed with a gather of the same lace as on the skirt. It forms a V shape in the front. On her head she wears a filet of trim and silk ribbon that matches her gown. Can't you just see Charlotte dancing the waltz in this confection of Nile green silk and lace?

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