Or Frances could wear it Visiting. The bodice is made of a soft buttercup yellow doeskin. It has a row of tiny yellow buttons down the center front. This collar would be called a shawl collar, because of its width The collar and two lower layers of the bodice are treated to a scalloped design. The skirt is a deep plum color. This sets off the buttercup yellow like the petals of a flower, with the lower longer deep plum petals touched with yellow stitching and a band of soft yellow braid.
The back of the deep plum colored skirt also has plum colored bows of self material. One layer of the double tier is attached to the skirt the other is part of the bodice, This makes it easier to get into and out of.
The last little touch, is the perky little straw hat. It sports a deep plum feather that matches the color of the skirt.
Out for a stroll or visiting friends, this outfit is another hit.
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